Hello, world :)
Me on the Web
Areas of Interest
- Software as a Medium
- “bicycles for the mind”, “tools for thought”, end-user programming, “authoring tools” (HyperCard, Flash), malleable systems (e.g. Smalltalk, Lisp)
- Small computing, Home-cooked software
- https://obsidian.md/about, https://www.notion.so/about, https://paper.mmm.dev/, https://www.val.town/about
- Local-first software, Permacomputing, One-page computers
- Future of Coding
- Food Tech
- ideas: recipes as data, menus as data, interactive visual recipes, API for supermarkets
- gardening/horticulture, both low-tech (permaculture) and high-tech (Controlled Environment Agriculture, vertical farming)* Interactive Fiction (IF), Infocom, text adventure games, Alternate Reality Games (ARGs)
- Impact (deep ecology, climate change, social justice, wealth equality)
Why the “plus”?
When I was at Carnegie Mellon University, the email system did fuzzy common name matching by default, so you could write a person’s name e.g. harry.bovik@andrew.cmu.edu
and it would try to deliver it to the right mailbox. If you added a plus sign (+
), the system would do an exact username match instead of a fuzzy match, i.e. the +
character makes it unambiguous. So in practice, I was jrc+
, and it stuck.